
Winter Schedule

Open to visitors
Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday Service with choir at 11 a.m.
Evensong on the fourth Sunday of each month at 5 p.m.

Visit the Cathedral

Receiving more than 240,000 visitors each year , the Cathedral is a unique site in the Old City . It is first and foremost a place of worship , but it is also a very important historic, cultural and social site. All are welcome!

For any information regarding visits, please contact us at

Visit the Cathedral virtually!

Presented with the help of:

Self-guided tours

Opening hours

November 1st to May 1st
Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm
Sunday from noon to 4 pm

May to November
Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday from noon to 5 pm

A suggested contribution of $3 is appreciated to ensure the sustainability of the site, which is rich in community, architecture and history.

Guided tours for groups

It is possible to visit the Cathedral all year long with prior reservation. Book your group:

Individual Guided Tours

Guided tours are offered for individuals and small groups in July and August from 10:00am to 5:00pm. No reservation necessary. The cost of the visit is $6 per visitor.


The King’s Gift

One of the finest examples of Georgian silver ever made. Truly a royal gift!

The Stained Glass Windows

Among the superb windows are works by artists employed by celebrated stained glass firms such as Chales Edmond Clutterbuck Jr. of London; Clayton & Bell, also from London; and the Montreal form John C. Spencer & Son.

Objects of Faith and Art

The Cathedral possesses a magnificent collection of altar frontals, work of art and monuments worthy of Westminster Abbey.

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